Coyote Ragtime Show after episode 07

April, one of the more popular sisters. Hunter Bennett. I wouldn't mind having a pretty female head in a cage as a companion. Spaceship battles.

Some unmistakable character artwork inconsistency on Angelica, especially of her facial appearence. Here’s her mug in the last episode, and here’s her mug in episode 07. Also, it appears she has lost some weight as well, as her stature looks slimmer in episode 07 than she is in episode 06. Despite that, at least I find the “new” Angelica to be more attractive than her original design. By the end of the episode, Marciano and three sisters February, March, and July, in four little spacefighter ships, destroyed one battleship, and twelve spacecruisers, with unbelievable ease receiving nary a scatch. I can understand that there are people who are turned off by the show being overly unrealistic, demanding too much of our suspension of disbelief. As for me, I treat this show like a conventional Hollywood movie. The plans of episode 04 and 05 reminded me a bit of Mission Impossible, although no where near as elegant. And episode 06 and 07 shared the same stereotype that Rambo thrives on, where the “protagonists” has everything going for them: accuracy approaching perfection, incredible luck, inhuman physical strength and stamina..etc, while oppositely, the “antagonists” are cursed. “Protagonists” and “antagonists” and in quotation because it changes depending on situation. In the case of episode 07, Marciano was the former, and Hunter Bennett the latter. The Rambos series happen to be a guilty pleasure of mine. So if you’ll excuse me, I shall continue watching the Coyote Ragtime Show with a beer in one hand and peanuts in the other (the way of viewing I initially felt from the title), and just watch the “good” guys win.

Published in: on August 24, 2006 at 11:29 pm  Leave a Comment  


The Sound and the Fury Vintage Cover

Interestingly, the skin I chose that appealed to me the most was this theme named Quentin, who are two characters in The Sound and the Fury which I recently finished reading a few days ago. Considering its aesthetics and mood, the name would make sense as a nod to the disturbed and cerebral male Quentin in the novel, or it could be just pure coincidence. I have made my impression about the book here. I’m currently tackling Pale Fire, where part one is a short foreword, part two a nine-hundred and ninety-nine line poem, and part three a detail analysis of the poem. Some literary critics say this book is the best of Nabokov, surpassing Lolita. Thus with that in mind, I am flipping through its pages with heavy expectation.

Published in: on August 24, 2006 at 2:18 pm  Leave a Comment  

“Look at this tangle of thorns…”

I have been toying with the idea of starting a blog for an amorphous length of time, enticed by the appeal of having some place where I can dump the ramblings of my mind, but I never had the drive to act on that thought, until now. So what prompted this act of volition? Prior to this blog, I contributed for two years and almost eight months of myself, my persona and dissertations, to a rather large anime forum. Anime, being a diversion of time for me. But I have become gradually disheartened by the responses of the community. I realized that with my bias, being first and foremost a critical and neurotic thinker, I do not belong in a place of fanaticism, and that my way of discourse, my fiercely eloquent words, is better suited to the more self-centered exposition of a blog. It is who I am, and I certainly am not going to change my behavior just to fit in. And so, with a dispirited heart but yet still with a strong desire to continue to write, I researched the plethora of blog options, clicked on WordPress with convinced confidence, and here I am. So bear with me, as I immerse myself in this discourse society that is new to me as a writer (before I was just a reader), and while I figure out the art of blogging. I hope this inaugural post has answered three questions: the kind of entity I am, why I have started this blog, and what the contents will consist of.

Published in: on August 24, 2006 at 1:31 pm  Leave a Comment