“Look at this tangle of thorns…”

I have been toying with the idea of starting a blog for an amorphous length of time, enticed by the appeal of having some place where I can dump the ramblings of my mind, but I never had the drive to act on that thought, until now. So what prompted this act of volition? Prior to this blog, I contributed for two years and almost eight months of myself, my persona and dissertations, to a rather large anime forum. Anime, being a diversion of time for me. But I have become gradually disheartened by the responses of the community. I realized that with my bias, being first and foremost a critical and neurotic thinker, I do not belong in a place of fanaticism, and that my way of discourse, my fiercely eloquent words, is better suited to the more self-centered exposition of a blog. It is who I am, and I certainly am not going to change my behavior just to fit in. And so, with a dispirited heart but yet still with a strong desire to continue to write, I researched the plethora of blog options, clicked on WordPress with convinced confidence, and here I am. So bear with me, as I immerse myself in this discourse society that is new to me as a writer (before I was just a reader), and while I figure out the art of blogging. I hope this inaugural post has answered three questions: the kind of entity I am, why I have started this blog, and what the contents will consist of.

Published in: on August 24, 2006 at 1:31 pm  Leave a Comment  

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