Immortalizing Tanyuu


It is unfortunate that there is not a direct consistent relationship between the quality of a character and their acclaim, which give rise one of the most unfair tragedy: great characters that exist in obscurity, while lesser characters enjoy undeserved fame. Tanyuu is undoubtly such a character suffering from this cruel injustice. It pains me to see that Kyon’s sister, a character so shallow and trivial as not even her name is granted, acquires such large attention and support among the anime fans, while Tanyuu barely recieves a fleeting glance. So in an effort to allay this frustration in me, I decided to bring more recognition to Tanyuu, through the only way I know. [Humbert Humbert mode] Oh Tanyuu, for the past week I have devoted many diligent hours in capturing your languid beauty within a few shades of colors. My eyes scrutinized intensely every strand of your hair, the contours of your ears, the pupils of your alluring eyes, as many details of your head as I could possibly discern to ensure I have recreated both corporeally and incorporeally of your original charm. But don’t think I have sacrificed time in applying my crude skills to create this vector. It is never a price to pay to gaze at your face. I am merely a medium to conduct your transcendence, fair Tanyuu. I wish my vectors of Tanyuu lives on as many spinning metal platters of electrons and magnetism as it can, in hopes that with each passing sight one gains a shimmer of comprehension and appreciation of my Tanyuu.[/Humbert Humbert]

Published in: on September 3, 2006 at 5:45 pm  Leave a Comment