Rozen Maiden Battle Royal – Dear My Kun Kun

Game splash screen. I unleash Skinku's one power bar special, flurry of rose petals, onto Hina.hitting Junk with Shinku's signature flying punch.  Over and over. Shinku face slapping Shinku.  Something tells me this is very wrong.Shinku drinking tea over Junk's dead body. A happy end. Sousei hammers her twin Suisei with her special move.

I’ve always wanted to do one thing, the desire became a goal of mine. Ever since I watched the final episode of the first season of Rozen Maiden where Shinku, flying at high speed with fists armed, delivered the fatal blow to Junk, I was convinced with delight that gloriously satisfying scene must be repeated. Watching it over and over again wasn’t enough. I wanted to play a Rozen Maiden fighting game where I could control Shinku and deliver a flying punch striking down Junk, to re-enact Junk’s defeat as per in the anime. I did exactly that, accomplishing my goal, in a game called Rozen Maiden Battle Royal – Dear My Kun Kun, where I had the pleasure of bitch-smacking Junk with Shinku (and to a lesser extent, using other Maidens) to my full satisfaction. Oh, did I mention I really^∞ (repeat ad nauseam) detest Junk? So much so I cannot bring myself to dignify it with its actual name. I will only allow it to have the capital “J” to identify it from the garden variety. Junk equals hate, a synonym in my lexicon.
Anyways, I’ll feel guilty if I don’t divulge where one could obtain this game. Fortunately the game is free, and has a homepage. Important note: extract the .zips using the latest version of WinRAR. Other methods of decompression for some unknown reason will result in a corrupted game. I think that’s all the information I have considering I do not know Japanese. Enjoy.

Published in: on September 22, 2006 at 9:36 pm  Comments (48)